Download Diabetes Health Tracker 1.1 APK for Android

Diabetes Health Tracker.apk 1.1
Name: diabetes-health-tracker.apk
Version: 1.1
Size: 0 Mb

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Diabetes Health Tracker Details

This app was developed for the Diabetes App Challenge to support young people with diabetes get the best out of their appointments (funded by Diabetes UK & run by Plymouth University & Peninsula School of Medicine & Dentistry). Diabetes Health Tracker is an Android application designed to help people with Diabetes Type 1 keep track of their blood sugar, insulin use and carbohydrate content of meals. The user can then build up a record, and take it to their next consultation with their Doctor. The app takes away the need to carry around pen and paper everywhere, with a printable PDF export of the data on demand.
Diabetes Health Tracker | 13 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.8

Download Diabetes Health Tracker 1.1 APK

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